20 Jul 2021
The double soul of the Topazio motorship
- Lake Maggiore
- Green & Blue
- Highlights
General provisions governing the management of Navigazioni Laghi
Being adapted in relation to the changes introduced by Legislative Decree 97/2016
The IEBs (Independent Evaluation Bodies) are envisaged by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which governs the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri
At present, there are no penalties.
Not applicable.
Name | CV |
Extreme provision of assignment |
Task subject | Duration of assignment | Gross annual total | Declaration for taking on the role and certification verifying the absence of a conflict of interest |
Cristina Bertagni | CV | letter prot.n°3910 del 27/06/2019 | Legal consultancy assignment | n°2 years from 01/07/2019 to 30/06/2021 | € 8.900,00 | |
Silvia Tambuscio | CV | note prot. n. 3751 del 16/07/2020 | Appointment of legal medical consultancy | from 17/07/2020 until the conclusion of the judicial proceeding | (non-annual) €.2,440.00 inclusive of VAT | |
Tecnologie d’Impresa s.r.l. | CV | note prot. n. 4708 del 25/08/2021 | assignment of technical consultancy of the party in the ATP proceeding pursuant to art. 696 c.p.c. | from 06/09/2021 to the conclusion of the judicial proceeding | (non-annual) €.19,507.80 including VAT |
Institute governed by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which regulates the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Senior executives | Cadre | Employees | Workers | TOTAL | |
Permanent | 2 | 16 | 142 | 393 | 553 |
Fixed term | 3 | 2 | 11 | 81 | 97 |
Total personnel on average in the force Year 2020 | 650 |
The overall cost of personnel for 2020 including charges: Euro 30,709,649.98
Item already included in the organic endowment table
Total absenteeism rate | 3,50% |
of which due to illness | 2,82% |
of which due to injury | 0,19% |
of which for optional maternity leave 0.16% | |
of which various (Unpaid Leave and leave) | 0,33% |
Institute governed by article 53 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, which regulates the employment relationship of public administration employees and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Section under construction
The IEBs (Independent Evaluation Bodies) are envisaged by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which governs the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies to the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Institute governed by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which regulates the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Institute governed by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which regulates the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri.
Performance bonus paid in 2020: Euro 549,623.54
A trade union agreement regulates the payment of the performance bonus to personnel.
For both employees and managers, the disbursement of bonus sums is subject to the achievement of a “revenues (net of financial coverage) / operating costs” ratio greater than 35.00 percentage points.
Once a graduality has been defined, in relation to the exceeding of the said index, the allocated sums are redistributed individually in relation to the parameter covered, absenteeism, the behaviours held and the consequent disciplinary measures adopted by the Company.
The figure relating to the revenues as mentioned above/operating costs ratio is that recorded each year in the financial statements.
Institute governed by Legislative Decree 150/2009, which regulates the employment relationship of public administration employees referred to in Article 2/2 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and is not applicable to this Company which applies the CCNL Autoferrotranvieri
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Section under construction
Section under construction
Section under construction
Section under construction
Section under construction
Section under construction
Section under construction
Nothing to post
As part of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020 Cooperation Program, the Italian Lake Navigation Government Management participated in the SMISTO project (Development of Integrated and Sustainable Mobility between Ticino and Lombardy), which aims to increase the use of transport public thanks to better accessibility, integration and quality of services.
The total cost of the project on the Italian side amounts to €.1,689,667.24; the public contribution is equal to €.1,689,667.24, of which €.1,436,217.15 (equal to 85%) from the ERDF and €.253,450.09 (equal to 15%) from the Fund of rotation pursuant to law n.183/1987.
The budget approved for this Governmental Management amounts to €.214,811.64.
On the basis of the expenses reported and validated during the audit, this Management has obtained a refund of €.214.345,78.
For more information, here are the links to the dedicated page on the website of this Management, as well as the INTERREG V-A Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020 Cooperation Program and the SMISTO project:
Nothing to publish as every property used by this company is owned by the state
Nothing to post
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Section under construction
Not applicable
Section under construction
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Nothing to post
Requests for civic access must be forwarded to the Transparency Manager at the following e-mail address anticorruzione.trasparenza@navigazionelaghi.it
The Transparency Manager provides a response within 30 days.
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